The Earth Dynamics Research Group is growing

Mr. Jiangyu Li
Jiangyu Li joined the group as a PhD candidate in December 2016. Specializing in structural geology and thermochronology he joins the group to study the tectonic and thermal evolution of Proterozoic terranes along an E–W corridor across northern Queensland, Australia. His project will apply Ar–Ar thermochronolgy and structural analysis to identify terrane boundaries and characterise the timing and kinematics of terrane accretion and post-accretion events. His research will contribute to constraining the configuration and evolution of the Proterozoic supercontinents Nuna and Rodinia.
Jiangyu completed his master thesis at the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (Beijing, China) in 2016. The project studied the Mesozoic Ningwu–Jingle sedimentary basin in Shanxi Province, China. The research identified how the Mesozoic orogeny effects were recorded in the Jurassic basin east of the Ordos Block by applying balanced cross-sections as well as kinematic analysis of fault slip data to study its compressive deformation and tectonic history.
During his master study, he also researched the regional magmatism and tectonic–thermal evolution in West Junggar, Xinjiang. He applied Re–Os geochronology and Ar–Ar thermochronology to put better constraints on the evolution of the West Junggar Metallogenic Belt, from magma intrusion to uplifting and exhumation. This work was presented in an article in the International Geology Review: